Logo Hanne Ihlen

Training and Registration

I am an qualified and registerd dramatherapist and schematherapist. I am currently training to become a psychodramatherapist. I am also an qualified clinical supervisor and supervisor Schematherapy. As a therapist and supervisor I work integrative combining different approaches such as narrative therapy techniques,  Narrative sandplay, polyvagal theory and Art exercises.

To stay tuned and updated I frequenly follow training, have supervison and I am part of several peer supervison groups. Currently I am training to be a psychodramatherapist. 



  • PAO. Amsterdam. Bachelor in Supervison 2021
  • Bachelor en Master Diploma Drama therapy . Londen. 2005
  • Bachelor Diploma Social Work. Driebergen 1998


Post Graduate Training Courses:

  • Workshop Psychodrama and Traumasexsuality. Working with sexsual abuse. Excetera 2024. 
  • 3 day course Containment, Psychodrama method Therapeutic Spiral Model. Nov. 2023. Ina Hoogendoorn. 
  • Webinar Transforming the living legacy of trauma. Janina Fisher. Uitgeverij Mens. 2022
  • Adults suïcide prevention training. Parnassia Groep.  2022
  • Polyvagal Theory into practice. Con Amore. 2022
  • Groepspsychotherapy; Back to the base.  NVGP. 2022
  • Supervisor Course Schematherapy. van Genderen opleidingen. 2022
  • Attachment and Attachement theory, Con Amore, 2022.
  • College Narcisme. Hupper, 2020. 
  • Masterclass Developmental Transformations. David R Johnston. DVT Noord. 2018 
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Psychodidact. 
  • Narrative therapy in Wonderland. Conference with David Epston. Jeugdzorgacademie, Utrecht. 2017
  • Advanced course Cluster C and Schematherapy. Hannie van Genderen opleidingen. 2017
  • Level 1 Training (year 1 and 2).. Developmental Transformations. DVT Noord groep. (2016-1018)
  • Course Schemafocused Dramatherapy. PraktijkKlees. Utrecht 
  • Workshop playimages in practice. Speelwijzer. 
  • Courses  Narrative therapy: Empowerment and Working with therapeutic documents. Johan van der Putte, Leuven. 
  • Foundation course Schematherapy and Vaktherapie. Rino Amsterdam. 2015
  • Foundation course Forum theater + Art of being a Joker. Werkplaats voor Participatief Drama, Formaat. Rotterdam. 2012/2013
  • Developmental Transformations (DVT) Foundation course 2012
  • Psychodrama masterclass Abuse in trust relationships. Susie Taylor. NVGP, Woerden, 2010.
  • Autisme Course I am special. Peter Vermeulen. Antwerpen. 
  • Foundation Course Autisme. Centrum voor Autisme, Voorburg.  2008
  • Cognitive therapy for children with anxiety problems. Rino Amsterdam, 2008
  • Life Story Work with Traumatised Children. Richard Rose. London, 2006



  • Federation voor vaktherapeutische beroepen (FVB).
  • Dutch Society for Drama Therapy (NVDT).
  • Register Vaktherapie
  • Nederlands Instituut voor belangenbehartiging Integrale gezondheidszorg (NIBIG)- Wkkgz geregistreerd.
  • Register voor Schematherapie (supervisor). 
  • International Society for Schematherapy (ISST) (Supervisior). 
  • LVSC- clinical supervisor. 
  • British Association of Dramatherapy (BADTh). 


 If you want to know more about me and my work experience you look me up at my  Linked In profiel.